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Активісти презентували ліки від байдужості
Активісти презентували ліки від байдужості
До Всесвітнього дня пам’яті людей, які померли від СНІДу, що традиційно відзначається у третю неділю травня, активісти презентували унікальні «Ліки від байдужості».
17 may 2019
The HIV test can be done via a mobile application #HIVtest
The HIV test can be done via a mobile application #HIVtest
On December 1, 2017, a mobile HIV testing application was presented in Kyiv. On this day the World AIDS Day is marked. Now this day is devoted to the theme “The Right to Health.”...
01 december 2017
Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation launched website at the World AIDS Day
Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation launched website at the World AIDS Day
Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation has launched a new information resource on HIV/AIDS, the website, on December 1.
01 december 2014
Секс по-Новому: звезды Нового канала на передовой борьбы со СПИДом
Секс по-Новому: звезды Нового канала на передовой борьбы со СПИДом
Десять уникальных принтов для коллекции футболок Fashion AID были специально разработаны ко Всемирному дню борьбы со СПИДом по идеям звезд Нового канала. Среди них - ведущие Маша Ефросинина,...
28 december 2011
6 лет, 7 роликов и 50 миллионов долларов
6 лет, 7 роликов и 50 миллионов долларов
На самом деле их было шестнадцать – именно столько социальных видео роликов было снято по заказу Фонда Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД» да шесть лет его работы. 1...
01 december 2009
For the fist time in 57-year history of the Miss World contest Ukraine will be represented in jury
For the fist time in 57-year history of the Miss World contest Ukraine will be represented in jury
Representative of Ukraine will be among the members of the Miss World panel of judges during the final that will take place in Sanya, China. Elena Pinchuk, Founder of the Ukrainian charitable...
01 december 2007
"I'm a student and I'm not scared of AIDS!"
To be prevented is to be protected. Elena Franchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation and student parliaments of Kiev Universities two years in a row strive for Kiev students’ protection. If last year only...
28 november 2007
In December 1 students raised money for HIV-positive adopted kids
In December 1 students raised money for HIV-positive adopted kids
The students of Kiev-Mogila Academy and National Aviation University marked the World AIDS day with great dispatch. During the event “Get tested in your University”, organized by the...
02 december 2006
Love is...
Love is...
По заказу Фонда Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД» рекламное агентство Provid/BBDO разработало три дизайна карманных календариков, пропагандирующих безопасный секс, которые...
01 december 2006
Sex, lie and foreign affairs
Sex, lie and foreign affairs
What is safe sex about? What is the truth and what is the lie in common view to HIV/AIDS? What do the students think about that? On December 1, 2006, on World AIDS Day, students of Institute of...
01 december 2006
New media campaign of ANTIAIDS Foundation is about “Who Do You Sleep With” and what is it – “Accident or Rule”
New media campaign of ANTIAIDS Foundation is about “Who Do You Sleep With” and what is it – “Accident or Rule”
On 1st of December 2005 new informational campaign of Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation, dedicated to safe sex promotion, started on the national TV. On November 30th, 2005 Foundation...
01 december 2005
"Let’s stop AIDS before it stops us!" - Informational campaign created and carried out by Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation, Ukraine
On November 29, 2003, in the eve of the World AIDS Day the national informational campaign “Let’s stop AIDS” takes its start on the following TV channels: ICTV, Novy channel, STB...
27 november 2003