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Police Service of Northern Ireland: secret sexting codes for teens protection
Police Service of Northern Ireland: secret sexting codes for teens protection
A police force in Northern Ireland has shared a guide on its Facebook page to help parents decipher secret sexting codes and help keep teens safe online.
25 january 2017
Ukrainian Government To Fully Finance Opioid Substitution Therapy
Ukrainian Government To Fully Finance Opioid Substitution Therapy
The Government of Ukraine has announced that in 2017 it will fully finance from its budget the national opioid substitution therapy programme for people who use drugs, a key population in Ukraine...
04 november 2016
Bernie Sanders to Unveil HIV/AIDS Research Initiative
Bernie Sanders to Unveil HIV/AIDS Research Initiative
Proposal comes on the back of Clinton's Apology for Praising Nancy Reagan's AIDS record.
15 march 2016
The missing link in new US AIDS strategy
The missing link in new US AIDS strategy
President Barack Obama has announced a National HIV/AIDS strategy designed to carry the country’s policy through to 2020. The updated policy, positive in many ways, lacks one...
20 august 2015
Responses to updated U. S. National HIV/AIDS Strategy
Responses to updated U. S. National HIV/AIDS Strategy
President Barack Obama recently released a modified version of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, and several leaders and communities have issued their responses.
11 august 2015
White House to Unveil New HIV Strategy
White House to Unveil New HIV Strategy
Administration officials are headed to Atlanta Thursday to take the wraps off the next stage of President Obama's 10-year plan to treat and prevent HIV in the United States.
30 july 2015
The documentary film
The documentary film "How to survive a plague". World history of the fight against AIDS and the fate of Ukraine
The famous documentary film by David France "How to survive a plague" that deals with stories of HIV-positive people in the United States, won official recognition and attributed to notable...
28 december 2012
Министерство обороны Украины предупреждает: презервативы полезны для вашего здоровья
Министерство обороны Украины предупреждает: презервативы полезны для вашего здоровья
В партнерстве с Центром здоровья Министерства обороны Украины Фонд Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД» реализовал несколько проектов, направленных на профилактику ВИЧ/СПИДа среди...
13 june 2006